Jeff Korenstein

Web Development

creating digital experiences


Specializing in full-stack development of sites with data from databases and APIs

customer success

Bank employees use this specialized ​software in call centers to satisfy ​customers by resolving high priority ​credit card problems for customers - ​while complying with state and federal ​regulatory requirements.



municipal outreach ​and sustainability

Municipal leaders encourage residents and ​business owners to protect the health of local ​waterways and reduce flooding by adopting and ​naming storm drains in their neighborhoods.

By pledging to keep their drains free of leaves and ​debris. residents join their neighbors to protect ​the environment and manage stormwater,

Article -The Somerville Times

Online discussion - Reddit


citizen and organization ​LEGISLATIVE engagEMENT

A new digital tool to connect ​Massachusetts residents to one another, ​and to our legislators.

MAPLE seeks to better connect its ​constituents to one another, and to our ​legislators. We hope to create a space for ​you to meaningfully engage in state ​government, learn about proposed ​legislation that impacts our lives in the ​Commonwealth, and share your expertise ​and stories. MAPLE aims to meaningfully ​channel and focus your civic energy ​towards productive actions for our state ​and local communities.

Article - Boston Globe

Event - Northeastern University

INVesTMENT analytics

A responsive web application MVP to help ​solar energy companies explain to ​consumers the costs and trade offs of ​investments in renewable energy.


A tool to explore data on mobility between occupations. This data was calculated by academic researchers from over 16 million resumes of U.S. workers. The tool is designed to help program managers, policy analysts and job coaches explore occupational transitions that job changers have made in recent years.

Built with Code for Boston.


A responsive web MVP for realtors and ​homeowners, tenants and landlords to ​manage their residential

MyHome integrates with Yelp to find ​highly rated local service providers and ​ to find and store ​manuals.

Users can keep track of manuals, ​receipts and warranties.

Built with React, JavaScript, Rails/Ruby ​and PostgreSQL

Operations Management (MVP)

A coding challenge to leverage data from a proprietary API to provide optimal routing information to manage maintenance of fleets of bicycles and scooters for urban mobility operators.

An MVP built in 4 days, this application integrates with Google’s Map API to show both maps and 3-D rendering of pick-up and drop-off locations.


A project for Vice TV to build in one week a mobile-first web application MVP to allow users to select between 10 shows with thumbnails, navigation and URLs with specific User Experience requirements.

Sports (MVP)

A web tool for the NFL football fan to see the individual player matchups in current and upcoming games and drill into the stats for teams and individual players.

32 teams, 256 games, 1,696 players, 28,832 player starts per season.


A responsive web application to help residents understand the collection service provided by the city, adjusting for seasons and holidays, simplifying the combination of paper maps and calendars provided previously.

Jeff Korenstein

Web Development

creating digital experiences